In today's digital age, screens have become an integral part of parenting. They are a convenient way to keep children entertained or occupied while parents attend to other needs. But as parents, it is important to consider the impact of screens on young brains and how much screen time children should be exposed to.

One of the world's leading brain scientists, Patricia Kuhl, has conducted experiments with over 4,000 babies each year. Her research has shown that babies under one-year-old do not learn from machines. In fact, her studies have shown that there is a significant difference in learning when babies are exposed to live human interaction as opposed to videos on screens.
Studies have shown that there is a significant difference in learning when babies are exposed to live human interaction as opposed to videos on screens
As parents, it is important to guide our children in both the real world and the virtual world. This means teaching them to use technology in a healthy way and equipping them with the skills towards becoming successful digital citizens. In this blog post, we will explore ways to make technology work for your family at different stages of childhood development.
Digital Devices and Toddlers (2-3 Years):
At this stage, it can be difficult to keep electronic devices away from children. According to a survey by the Erikson Institute, 85% of parents allow their children under the age of 6 to use technology at home. While many parents see benefits in their children's tech usage, such as improved literacy and school readiness, it is important to make technology time bonding time. One way to do this is by co-playing with your child, taking turns and exploring games, digital books and videos together. Children at this age are learning prosocial behaviour, such as sharing and helping others, and technology can be a tool to aid in this developmental stage.

Technology and Young Children (6-12 Years):
This is a crucial time to establish and reinforce healthy tech habits. Children in this age range will likely be using technology on a daily basis for homework and other activities. Parents can set up child accounts and use the built-in parental controls in Windows and macOS to set time limits and limit app and web usage.
Encouraging creativity is also important. Technology has a lot to offer children, but the apps and activities chosen can make a big difference. If your child is a tinkerer, consider exposing them to apps that allow them to build and create.
The Digital world and Teens (13-18 Years):
As children enter their teenage years, they will want more freedom and privacy when it comes to using technology. However, it's important for parents to still ensure their safety and well-being. The key is to find a balance between staying connected and maintaining trust.

At this age, parents can move from strict monitoring to mentoring their teenagers to use technology responsibly. This includes setting rules and best practices for responsible tech usage, such as not texting while driving, not sharing inappropriate photos or videos, and always informing parents of their whereabouts.
Parents should also teach their teens about social media and critical thinking best practices. Reinforce the positive aspects of social media while warning them of the dangers, such as the fact that something online can follow them throughout their lives. Discuss how marketing messages can be used to manipulate people and encourage them to fact-check rumours and be sceptical of anything they come across online.
It's also a good idea for parents to friend or follow their children on social media so they can see what they're up to periodically. This can be a non-negotiable rule, even if your children may initially baulk at it. By staying involved and not overreacting to every post, parents can provide a more subtle form of supervision that teens may tolerate even as they get older and want more privacy.
At this stage, it's important for parents to establish trust with their children. This can be done by having ground rules such as not listening in on phone conversations or checking emails without cause, but having the ability to do so in case of an emergency. Consider using a "piggy bank" system where teens can give their parents their passwords, but it's only used in case of an emergency. This way, teens know that their parents reserve the right to look out for them, without destroying trust if they were to monitor them without letting them know they were doing it.
As children enter their teenage years, they will want more freedom and privacy when it comes to using technology. However, it's important for parents to still ensure their safety and well-being. It's important for parents to steer them towards using technology for productive purposes
As children enter their teenage years, it's important for parents to steer them towards using technology for productive purposes. Digital literacy is a skill that is increasingly in demand, and technology can offer incredible opportunities for learning, creativity and academic advancement. Encourage your child to explore classes and programs in programming, digital design, animation or other tech-related subjects.
Watch out for Tech Addiction:
It's also important to watch out for signs and avoid tech addiction which might even lead to conditions such as virtual autism. Two major warning signs to look out for are behavioural and emotional changes. On the behavioural front, it is important to recognize when screens are taking up so much time that there's no time left for offline activities, physical exercise and face-to-face interaction with others. On the emotional front, it's important to recognize when children experience negative emotions after screen time because they're feeling bullied, ostracized or generally unhappy as a result of their online interactions.
Maximizing the Benefits of Technology for Children: A Positive Approach
Technology is here to stay and the world is becoming increasingly digital. While technology can be empowering for children of all ages, it is important to raise balanced kids in a hyper-connected world. There's no single recipe for success, but the balance for your family will look different than it will for your neighbour because every family is unique and parenting styles and values vary.
By fostering a positive relationship with technology and setting healthy boundaries, parents can help their children become responsible and successful digital citizens
As parents, it is important to view technology in a positive light for our children. Technology provides numerous opportunities for children to learn and grow in fun and engaging ways. From interactive educational apps to digital art programs, technology can help children express their creativity and develop valuable skills for the future. It also allows children to stay connected with their friends and family and to access a wealth of information and resources. Additionally, technology can provide children with access to resources and opportunities that might not otherwise be available to them. By fostering a positive relationship with technology and setting healthy boundaries, parents can help their children become responsible and successful digital citizens.
In conclusion, screens are a part of everyday life for most children. As parents, it is important to consider the impact of screens on young brains and guide children to use technology in a healthy way. By making technology time bonding time, setting up child accounts, encouraging creativity, and promoting privacy and security best practices, parents can help children thrive in today's digital age.